Thursday 24 July 2014

Reading a Sega 6-button pad with PSOC4 CY8CKIT-049 Kit

[retroramblings] has found a solution to read a Sega 6-button pad with PSOC4 CY8CKIT-049 Kit.
In my earlier post I mentioned that I was going to handle reading the Sega 6-button joypad in software, using an interrupt routine, and use programmable logic to handle masquerading as a CD32 pad.
The six inputs from the Sega pad (up, down, left, right, button1, button2) are mapped to PSOC pins P2.0 to P2.5.  Since these are adjacent, we can read and write to them easily as a single entity.  We create a “pins” component with six inputs, named Sega_Inputs, and PSOC creator automatically generate headers and stubs so that we can read their status in main.c simply by calling Sega_Inputs_Read().  Similarly, we create an output pin, Sega_Select on pin P2.6, which we can write in the code using Sega_Select_Write().
He report his first prototype of the PSOC4-based Sega 6-button pad to Amiga CD32 adapter. We think this is a good way to learn a lot about the PSOC4 platform, as he himself says, and to get practise with this development platform for future projects.


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